Finnish Multiple Births Association

Finnish Multiple Births Association

Sometimes life can surprise you! A multiple birth family is a family that is expecting or parenting twins or higher order multiples.

In Finland approximately 600 sets of twins and 5-10 sets of triplets are born annually. Having quadruplets is rare. Of all births in a year, 1,35 percent are multiple births. In Finland there are an estimated 15 000 multiple birth families with underaged children.

What does Finnish Multiple Births Association do?

Finnish Multiple Births Association helps families find coaching and peer support. You will get expert information on parenting multiples.

  • We assist multiple births associations and coordinate their volunteer and peer support work as well as family coaching
  • We offer advice to families and professionals
  • We strive to get the needs of multiple birth families more sufficiently met
  • We build support for families
  • We produce information on multifetal pregnancy and delivery, on parenting multiples and multiple life as well as on our work, and share this information with families, professionals and officials
  • We publish the magazine Monikkoperheet (Multiple Birth Families)
  • We provide multiple birth families with a channel for applying for funded vacations

Our association is funded primarily by Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The association employs three people and the office is in Jyväskylä, Central Finland. We are a member of ICOMBO (International Council of Multiple Births Organisations).

Come and join us

Becoming a multiple birth family raises all kinds of questions and feelings. You are not alone!

Through the association you will get peer support and useful tips for everyday life and parenting. Coaching is available for multiple birth families in most of the municipalities where our regional associations are found. Coaching is offered to all families that are expecting twins, triplets or quadruplets. Sign up for coaching, benefit from information materials, become a part of the peer support network, meet other families and take part in various events.

Becoming a member is worth it

You or your whole family can become a member of one of our sixteen regional associations. To become a member, contact your regional multiple birth family association or fill in the online application form on our website

As a member you will benefit from all this

  • events and activities for the whole family, flea markets, family coaching, meeting professionals, recreation and peer support for parents
  • discounts and other benefits with the membership card at various stores around Finland
  • the magazine Monikkoperheet (published quarterly) is included in the membership fee (in 13 out of 16 regional associations, excluding Pori, Rauma, Vaasa), which you pay to your regional association

The membership fees vary from 15 to 38 euros depending on the size of the association and the services and offers it provides. Information on regional associations can be found on our website

Material on multiple birth families in English:

A good start for parenting multiples
online course
On the Good Start to Parenting Multiples online course, you will learn about expecting, giving birth to and parenting multiples. You can study with your partner or by yourself. The online course consists of text, videos, online lectures and assignments. You can study according to your own schedule, whenever is convenient for you.

Coaching presentation in English. (at the end of the page)

Twins and triplets at school

Multiple birth siblings as adolescents – A guide for parents of twins and higher order multiples is available for members of local multiple birth families association.
Please ask your copy from the office:

KELA (an independent social security institution)
Maternity package
Parental leave
Child benefit

Contact us:

Suomen Monikkoperheet ry
Ilmarisenkatu 17 A, 40100 Jyväskylä

Tel. +358 50 4359 004

Executive director Ulla Kumpula
Tel. + 358 50 3280 730